Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Into this

So obviously I am very into this since I just got it.

I have always wanted to be someone who blogged about things, but I never really understood what you were supposed to blog about. After reading several very different blogs, one from a young mother about her life, one from a minister telling how to take god into your life and one from a veteran talking about America, I found that it really doesn't matter, so I don't really care what I write about, just whats on my mind. I hope to make this something really great. Kind of like a diary mad for entertainment of others rather than kept a secret. I don't care if I have followers, although that is fun. I just want this to be something cool for me.

Sometimes I will probably wish that my fiance will read this and get a little insight about whats going on in my head that I don;t say to him. I do tell him everything, but sometimes all this little stuff that I have always written about in journals, and now on my blog, are things slight bit too tiny to tell him and almost meaningless, unless you read it in something like this, then it is intriguing


I just got a twitter page, I told myself I wouldn't get one of those, although I don't know why, but somehow I caved. I'm not sure what to o there at the moment. Hopefully something good will come out of it. I don;t know how it works either, but I do suppose that I thought this about myspace and facebook once too. So I will keep looking at it.

First blog

So this is exciting I am going to start blogging. I'm not sure what to blog about. Life? things I like? Things I know about something right. Should be easy. At the  Moment there is one thing on my mind. Christmas lights. My neighborhood this year seems to b over whelmed with people putting up Christmas lights. This is the first year my family and I have ever put up lights and I am so excited about it. I have always wanted Christmas light on the outside of our house, but  my Grandparents are Jehovah's Witnesses so my mom always felt weird about doing it. This year however seems to be a bit different. It seems everyone I know is in higher Christmas spirits this year. I love how Christmas seems to bring out the best in people.